Tag Archives | science experiments for kids

Science Experiment Birthday Party Ideas

It’s a Science Party and you are invited! Annabelle’s 8th Birthday Science Lab…. come on in!2



I love this age where school is fun! My daughter has been loving science in school for the past couple of years so I was not surprised when she chose a science theme for her party this year. Turns out all kids love science at this age! This was a pretty simple party to pull together and plan.

I splurged a little and purchased real lab coats for each guest and had their names embroidered on them. Not only did they look adorable all wearing them at the party, they were so excited to go home with this keepsake. I am sure many will be re-used for costumes and experimenting at home.

The rest of the party was really done rather inexpensively. I was inspired by a really nice periodic table shown in a popular kids catalog that was way out of my budget. I used an inexpensive engineer print, wood strips, black spray paint and my staple gun to create my own version for around $10. This was the perfect backdrop to the small dessert table. The sweets were kept very simple with birthday cake, science cookies and take home candy. I used a very simple modern black and white color scheme, which worked really well with the chalkboards.

10 10.5 3.3 9.5


9 9.25 cookies


We did four experiments. We had 14 kids. I carefully planned how I would quickly move from one experiment to the next. It actually went very well and the kids all enjoyed every experiment.

Experiment 1:    DIY LAVA LAMPS

Supplies needed: Cylinder vase, beaker (or cup), vegetable oil, food coloring, Alka-Seltzer tablets.

Directions: Fill vase 1/3 with oil, mix color and water in beaker, pour water into the oil, drop broken up tablets into the vase. Watch it bubble. FUN!

6 4



Experiment 2: ERUPTING SODA

Supplies needed: 2 liter diet soda, mentos

Directions: Open soda (outside), drop in approx.. 7 mentos mint candies using a tube…stand back!


Experiment 3: Expanding Soap

Supplies needed: bar of Ivory soap

Directions: microwave a bar of unwrapped Ivory soap for 1.5 minutes on a microwave safe plate.

*I demonstrated this and let the kids all touch the amazing fluffy expanded soap and then they all went home with a custom labeled bar to try themselves.

13 soap

Experiment 4: Flubber

Supplies needed: White school glue, borax, water, glitter, large ziplock bag, air-tight container

Directions: In bag, mix glue and ½ cup cold water. In cup mix together 1 tsp borax and ½ cup warm water. Combine all in bag. Add glitter. Mix until a ball of flubber forms. Dump off excess water. Store flubber in an airtight container.

*This one was passed out in “science kit” labeled gable boxes to make it easy on me to keep the experiments going. The boxes also doubled as an easy way to take home the soap, flubber and candy.

flubber 2

flubber 1




  • Chalkboards are always a party go-to for me. Worked especially well in this classroom inspired party. Engineer prints are very affordable to print and make big impact.
  • Label everything to keep a cohesive look throughout the “lab”.
  • Use Flasks or Beakers to serve drinks.
  • Dollar Store cookie baking sheets work well as lab trays to corral supplies and make for easy clean up.
  • Even if you do not want to splurge on lab coats, you can make everyone feel like they are in a real lab with printable ALL ACCESS lab badges.



Happy Birthday to my future Scientist, Annabelle! 


Photos by Maggie Russo Photo | Cookies by Little Miss Sweet Tooth | Styling and Graphics by Sara De St Jean, Homespun Hostess

R E S O U R C E S :

Flubber Speciman Jars | Soft Lab Coats | Petri Dishes | Test Tube Rack | Test Tubes | Mentos Speciman Tubes | Flask Cookie Cutter

Microscope Drink Sized Flasks | Set 3 Sized Flasks | Set 3 Sized Beakers | Lab ID Badge holder with Clip | Printable Party Set

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