I always make WAY too much food on Thanksgiving because I can not narrow down my menu. Nobody minds taking home boxes of leftovers though! I love to make them fun and different every year and this year I am sharing my design with you as a free download.
First, I bought these 3 packs of foil tins at the dollar store. I used the lid as a template to cut out the rounded corners of my two wood designs. I will glue my design onto the lid because the one it comes with is food proof. Excuse the quickie photos….you can imagine how fun these would be to hand out to your guests.
Next I printed these stickers on 4×3 labels for the pie….because this year we will have ALOT of pie! I will put them on my kraft brown boxes that will fit about 2 slices per box. I also included (not pictured) midnight snack stickers to print on these labels as well. I figured midnight snack works for all of it!
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